When I think about New Years Resolutions, I realize that most people don't follow through. I think the situation is similar to finding out that blind date you have is really St Louis Rams quarterback Sam Bradford: you put way too much pressure on the first date (or in my case, the first month).
After bunches of conference calls and securing my job in February, I then got a sinus infection/ear infection combo that is just now going away. Oh, and I got lazy and scared to start the blog again, because I would have to admit my defeat. Well, then God took matters into his own hands. The air got warmer and the leaves began to come out again and...well, my sinuses began to drip...but then the Zertec began to protect me and...long story short, I wanted to be outside. I started running again.
I've decided that if there can be a 2nd chance bracket game (because who didn't lose a little dignity when Missouri and Michigan lost first round?) then I can have a 2nd chance at New Years Resolutions!
Last week was rough. I went back to week 3 of C25k, but I was running outside instead of on a treadmill. I actually have a harder time running outside. I don't know how to pace myself. I only know that my perfect pace (6.0) is somewhere between the songs "Sex on Fire" by Kings of Leon and "I Do Not Hook Up" by Kelly Clarkson. But, let's get real, I'm not going to listen to those songs 800 times over while running.
I moved on this week to week 4 again, but I'm having a hard time staying motivated. I did have a rad headband on today (yes, fashion plays a role in my running), but I tend to get discouraged when those who are faster pass me with ease and I see people who aren't breathing like they're dying.

I think I need to start back up with my other random workouts. I have been frightened to going back to those. But the good news is: no one knows I've been absent from them because I'm going to a new class. So, what should I try tomorrow? Pure Barre opens in about 2 weeks, so I'm excited to try that, but I need something for the now!
I'll leave you with my new favorite running songs:
Smile - Avril Lavingne
Tongue Tied - Grouplove
Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson
Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
Yep, I'm a 13 year old girl.
Happy New New Year!
I have always felt like the biggest downside to new years resolutions is the every-day-ness of them. The devil wants us to believe we have failed when we miss some weeks because of illness! You're sick! Of corse you couldn't run. I think that new habits take time and the ones best kept are the ones adopted gradually. Stick with it Carrie! You're an inspiration to us all. I have been on week 2 of C25k since November. :)
Welcome back and you can do it! I love Pure Barre so you must check it out when it opens!
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